Hello everybody! Are you coffee lovers? I am not quite, but I never refuse mocha. I especially love Starbucks’s. However, today I have in mind another sort of mocha. It is MAC blush in Mocha shade.
It was love at first sight…actually first try. I have searched swatches over the Internet for days, trying to find a perfect MAC shade. I was one step away from deciding to buy MAC Springsheen, especially it was such “hype” on so many blogs. I went to Douglas intending to buy it, and I changed my mind in a moment. This wonderful deep dark pink, „mauve” shade with bluish undertone was tempting me to take it into my hands. When make up artist put it on my face, I knew that was it! It blends perfectly with my skin colour, and I am pretty pale NC 15 type. MUA liked how the colour of the blush fits the colour of my naturally dark pink lips. I liked that blush is matte, because I am not so fond of shimmer in blushes, although I have them also in my collection, I will write about them some other time.

When I put MAC Mocha on my cheeks, it looks like I have flushed. I like it so much, it seems so natural, it gives healthy look to the entire face, and it is not too pink. It is ideal for daily make-up. It is not too much pigmented and it can be built up in a very nice way. Although this is powder blush, it doesn’t crumble too much. I am very satisfied with the longevity, on my cheeks, it remained unchanged for 6 hours, but I have normal to dry skin. After that, I have removed it. I believe it would look flattering on other skin tones, the colour is universal and wearable. Price of it is 24 EUR in Germany. It comes in typical black solid 6 g packaging, and it seems to me I will never run out of it. Like the other makeupholics who treasure make-up, I believe I will never hit the pan, but I promised myself I will use it often because I simply adore it.

Do you like MAC Mocha blush and which one is your favourite?
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by Smootilica Blog
Hjoooj a sto nisi ostavila da vidimo i slike 😀 Salim se, ovo je odlicna fora kada se sazri malo onda i slike izgledaju drugacije.
by Mama Jane
Evo apdejtovala sam post, imas link ka prvom originalnom i slikama :)))
by Glamfashioncat
Odlican post, uzivala sam citajuci. Slike su mnogo bolje. glamfashioncat.blogspot.rs
by rosalie
Super post ♡
by Unknown
Cekaj,jesam li dobro razumela,dotakla si dno tog rumenila koje si kupila kad si pisala prvi post, i sad si kupila novo radi slikanja? Znaci dotakla si dno?! ???
by Mama Jane
Hvala najlepse!
by Mama Jane
Hvala lepo!
by Mama Jane
Da, ovo je refill 🙂 Mocha je prvo ozbiljnije rumenilo koje sam kupila pre 4 godine i besomucno sam ga koristila, pa je na red dosao i nov primerak 🙂
by Ljiljana Nedeljkovic
Yeyyy, hocu i ja da dodjem do dna mojih rumenila ???
by Unknown
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