Hello, my lovelies! Ever since Makeup Revolution has entered the Serbian market, I’ve been wanting to write my review on the sweet Naked Chocolate Palette.

As I wrote previously on my blog, Makeup Revolution collection of chocolate palettes is inspired by Too Faced ones. Some MUR palettes are excellent dupes for Too Faced, and some tell the story of their own. This white chocolate bar is none`s dupe and is a perfect mix of neutral and brown tones. I bought her on discount for about 7 euros, such a small price having in mind how in love I am with this palette. At first, I thought that coffee tones might be a bit boring, like who needs that much browns, but later I realized that I need them all for sure. This is probably the most usable Makeup Revolution chocolate palette that one can buy! Plus it is very likely that you will hit the pan on plenty of shadows in this palette. Do I need to mention that eyeshadows are surrounded by a tender scent of vanilla and cookies?!
This palette contains 16 eyeshadows, all of which are gorgeous, buttery and easy to blend. They are all inside of nice firm plastic packaging with melted chocolate motive on top, and a huge mirror inside. Some shadows are shimmery, some are matte, and two have bigger pan than the rest and are meant as highlighters.
Smoothly has a semi-matte finish, it`s the first eyeshadow from the left and I use it as a base and highlighter for the brow arch. Divine is dark shimmery rose gold, Mocha Lover shimmery bronze, and Dipped is shimmery as well, but without pink undertone. Choco Fest is beautiful deep chocolate-burgundy color, matte finish, but not so blendable as the others.
Adorable is probably my favorite shade in the entire palette – shimmery creamy beige, with cooler undertone; Buttons is shimmery brown with silver particles, and Frosted Choc is warm golden brown. Delight tone is dark grey with purple undertone and shimmery finish, it is followed by gorgeous matte warm earthy Sweet Shop, and at the end of the row is Sugar, purple-brown shade with the pearlescent finish.
The third row starts with the golden Double Dip, which is followed by three matte shades, Tob-le-rone reminds me of coffee late, milky brown taupe, Wonka is real chocolate brown, and Milky is pinker taupe pastel. The last shade is Way, pearly beige, great as a highlighter for eye corner and cheekbone.
At the end of this post, I can only say that for this palette you have every recommendation from my side. Generally speaking, you can hardly go wrong with any MUR palette you choose, but this one has a special place in my heart because of usability it provides. Honestly speaking, how many of us go every day with metallic blue or red shadow on the lids?
Have you used anything from Makeup Revolutions range?
by rosalie
Super post. Bas mi se svidja samo tako nastavi 😉
by Isidora87
Od kad sam kupila ovu paletu pre neke dve nedelje, ne ispustam je, odlicna je i za topliji i za hladniji makeup, savrsena paleta i pigmentacija parira mnogo skupljim paletama
by Jovana Jevtić
Već odavno gledam ovu paletu, ali nikako da je kupim. Savršena je. 🙂
by Mama Jane
Jeste, lep dizajn i senke su super!
by Mama Jane
Slazem se! Nije skupa, a fantasticno je upotrebljiva. Bas mi je drago da ti se dopada!
by Mama Jane
by Ivana
Jos jwdna lepotica!!!!